How the Latest ACA Ruling Impacts Employers
By C. Christopher Parto
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) individual mandate was unconstitutional on December 18, 2019, leaving employers and employees feeling a little uncertain and confused about what they needed to do to remain compliant, as well as what would happen... READ MORE

Getting Ghosted by Candidates? Here's How to Improve Your Interview Process
By Micki Mersky
You’ve started the interview process, and to your excitement, you’ve found the perfect candidate! The only problem? The candidate isn’t returning your telephone calls or e-mails. In other words, you’ve just been ghosted.
While ghosting is a term more commonly associated with relationships, it is happening more frequently during the interview process. Law firms are experiencing radio silence from promising... READ MORE

Employee Education is Key to a Law Firm's Cyber Security Strategy
By Keith S. Crumpton, vCISO/Senior Security Analyst
Today’s threat landscape, more than ever, is beyond the technical control of the law firm. The human element, employees, represents an organization’s greatest weakness in the information security arsenal; yet they are also a law firm’s greatest defense... READ MORE

Transforming the Law Firm Workforce with Robotics Process Automation
By Greg Fritsky and Amanda Ammerman
The demand for legal finance and administrative professionals has never been stronger, and the costs of attracting, training and retaining these highly sought-after individuals continues... READ MORE